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Watch: messi playing with a bunch of 11 year olds is crazy

The sight of Lionel Messi playing with a group of 11-year-olds is an incredible spectacle that showcases the vast difference in skill levels and underscores why Messi is regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time. This surreal scenario often arises during charity events, promotional matches, or informal training sessions, providing fans with a unique opportunity to witness Messi’s extraordinary talent in a more relaxed setting.

Messi’s Skills on Display

When Messi plays against children, several aspects of his game become even more pronounced:

  • Dribbling and Ball Control: Messi’s dribbling skills are legendary. Against young players, his ability to maneuver the ball with precision and maintain control even in tight spaces becomes even more evident. His low center of gravity, coupled with quick footwork, allows him to glide past multiple players effortlessly.
  • Speed and Agility: Even though Messi often plays at a reduced pace to match the children, his bursts of speed and sudden changes in direction highlight his agility and quick reflexes. These movements can be mesmerizing for both the players and spectators.
  • Passing and Vision: Messi’s vision and passing accuracy are unparalleled. He often makes precise passes and assists that younger players struggle to anticipate or intercept. His ability to read the game and execute complex plays is on full display.
  • Finishing: Despite the friendly nature of these matches, Messi’s finishing ability remains sharp. Whether it’s a delicate chip over the goalkeeper or a powerful strike into the corner, his goal-scoring prowess is unmistakable.

Educational Value

For the young players involved, the experience of playing against Messi is invaluable. They get to observe firsthand the techniques and work ethic required to reach the pinnacle of the sport. Such interactions can be incredibly motivating, inspiring them to improve their skills and pursue their football dreams with greater passion.

Community and Charity Impact

Messi frequently participates in these matches as part of his charitable efforts. His foundation, the Leo Messi Foundation, often organizes events to support underprivileged children and promote sports among youth. By engaging with young fans and players, Messi not only provides entertainment but also raises awareness and funds for important causes.

Fan Reactions

Fans worldwide are thrilled by the images and videos of Messi playing with kids. Social media platforms buzz with excitement, and these clips often go viral, showcasing the lighter and more human side of professional athletes. It also reinforces Messi’s reputation as a humble and approachable superstar, who, despite his immense success, remains connected to the grassroots of the sport.


Watching Lionel Messi play with 11-year-olds is a heartwarming and awe-inspiring experience. It serves as a reminder of his extraordinary talent and the joy that football can bring, regardless of the level of competition. Such moments highlight the universal appeal of the sport and the impact a player of Messi’s caliber can have both on and off the pitch.

For more detailed stories and videos of Messi in such settings, you can explore various sports news websites and social media platforms where these events are often covered extensively.

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