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Watch: Haaland ends the career of the Everton defender and scores a world-class goal that shook the entire city of Manchester

Hor.ror is happening at Etihad Stadium Haaland ends the Everton defender’s career and scores a world-class goal that shook the entire city of Manchester.
Watch: Strong pressure from Everton on City to equalize, and the ball bounces to Debruyne, who gives it to Haaland in the middle of the field, and what follows is a terrifying movie for Everton and its defences.

Haaland ran away from the defender with great speed, but the defender joined him, but the punishment was harsh on the Everton defender, who fell in a terrifying manner, and Haaland scored a world-class goal.
Haaland returned to respond to Guardiola and the City fans with a hysterical celebration! This Viking may get sick and not die.

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