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Historical Snapshot: The Moment Messi Entered The Field With Inter Miami And Refused To Wear The Captaincy

A historical snapshot that only occurs from Messi. An earthquake struck all of Japan the moment Messi entered the field because of what he did to his fellow leader.
Watch minute 60: Inter Miami coach decided to introduce Leo Messi against the Japanese team Vissel, so look at the madness that happened with Messi and the reaction of the fans.

The captain of Inter Miami quickly ran towards Messi to give him the leadership armband out of respect, but what Messi did was shocking and legendary at the same time.
The Inter Miami player took the armband off his hand to give it to Messi, but Messi refused to take the armband and wear it in an indescribable historical scene.
The Japanese fans stood up from their places in the stands and caused a terrible earthquake in the stadium after Messi’s legendary behavior towards his teammate.
Watch the moment Messi entered the field against Japanese Vissel, his historic reaction, his refusal to wear the leadership armband, and the reaction and clamor of the fans in the stands you ara a legend in everything, Leo.

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